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Performance Maximizer
Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP) is for the elite competitor. It is used to increase the amount of oxygen in hypoxic tissues. Studies have shown that administration of ITPP increases the maximal exercise capacity. ITPP is synthetic allosteric effector of hemoglobin that increases the regulated oxygen releasing capacity of red blood cells for increased energy and performance in race horses and camels.

• Increases maximum energy capacity
• Improves performance
• Regulates oxygen release in red blood cells
• Maximum effect if used in conjunction with DMG
• Reduces lactic acid
• Improves stamina

ITPP (Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate) is a synthetic allosteric effector of hemoglobin which increases the regulated oxygen releasing capacity of red blood cells leading to increased energy and performance in race horses and camels. Studies have shown that administration of ITPP increases the maximal exercise capacity. It works best when used in conjunction with DMG.

ITPP is a new drug capable of increasing the amount of oxygen in hypoxic tissues. Studies have shown that administration of ITPP increases the maximal exercise capacity in normal mice as well as mice with severe heart failure. The properties of ITPP make it an ideal candidate as a doping agent to enhance performance in racehorses. While there have been speculations in the horse racing industry that the covert use of ITPP is already widespread, no reported method exists for the detection of ITPP in equine biological samples.

ITPP modifies the hemoglobin in the red blood cell to release more oxygen as the red blood cell enters tissues which require oxygen.

Increases the normal energy levels of the horse or camel to significantly improve performance in
high intensity activities.
Available in boxes of 6 x 10 ml vials.

Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP) 200mg/ml (10ml Vial)

SHAKE ITPP INJECTION WELL BEFORE USING. For maximum results, administer 10ml ITPP Injection by SLOW intravenous or intramuscular injection) 96 hours prior to event, then repeat at 24 hours prior to event. When mix with sterile water make sure vial is harm up to 37°C for the total solution to be dissolve. Alternatively, put in sunlight for a few minutes to dissolve so that there will be no residual.

MUST BE refrigerated. Store between 3-8 degrees °C
سعر عادي
66.000 KWD
سعر الوحدة
شامل الضريبة.