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Ultimate Multi-Purpose Formula
By producing a marked increase in blood supply to muscles and heart, AMP-5 increases the oxygen and essential nutrient supply to these areas during hard work, and improves the efficiency of removal of waste products such as lactic acid, to delay
the onset of muscle fatigue.

• Increases blood flow
• Increases energy
• Increases blood supply to muscle tissue
• Prevents heart strain
• Delays the onset of muscle fatigue and cramping
• Improves vasodilation
• Supports over performance

AMP-5 (Adenosine-5-monophosphate) is a potent natural vasodilator which increases blood circulation to both skeletal and cardiac muscle. It can be used in anticipation of severe cardiac load in athletic animals or as a treatment for myocardial oxygen deficit. Another common use is in situations where increased blood perfusion to lower legs and feet is required (laminitis, lower leg wounds).

It increases oxygen and essential nutrient supply to the muscles and heart during hard work it also improves the efficiency of waste product removal such as lactic acid delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. AMP-5 is of value in treatment and prevention of Tying Up for these reasons. Because of its potent vasodilation effect on cardiac muscles, AMP-5 is effective in treatment and prevention of heart strain and exercise induced “T Wave” changes in horses.
By producing a marked increase in blood supply to muscles and heart, AMP-5 increases the oxygen and essential nutrient supply to these areas during hard work, and improves the efficiency of removal of waste products such as lactic acid, to delay the onset of muscle fatigue.

Delays the onset of muscle fatigue and cramping to allow the animal to train and race for longer periods and to prevent severe cardiac load. It also increases blood flow, energy, blood supply to muscle tissue and prevents heart strain.

Available in 50 ml vials.

AMP 200mg/ml (20ml Vial).

Adult HORSE: Administer 10ml by intramuscular injection 24 hours and again 3-4 hours before race.

CAMELS: Administer 5ml by intramuscular injection 72 hours and again 24 hours before race.

ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE INJECTION must ONLY be administered by intramuscular injection (IM). DO NOT administer ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE INJECTION by the intravenous (IV) route under any circumstances. This may lead to a profound rapid drop in blood pressure, with collapse and even death.

Store below 25C (Air Conditioning).

Regular price
15.000 KWD
Unit price
Tax included.