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There could be many reasons why a horse lacks energy. Horses with low glucose levels usually show signs of fatigue and reduced performance, which is not a great sign especially for competition horses. Your horse could also be suffering from a lack of energy if it is in a negative energy balance. In simple terms this means that over a period of time your horse is using
up more energy than it is getting back from the diet. This could be due to simply not feeding sufficient energy. It could also be due to the fact that in theory you are providing the horse with enough energy, but your horse is not actually getting that energy; for example due to intestinal parasites or to reduced digestive function. For the latter, Gut Balancer would be a solution to
maintain normal function of the gut.
A great way to boost energy levels in a safe and sustainable way is to provide a horse energy supplement.

What’s different about EnerGex?
Glucose is the most important energy source for horses during exercise. Low blood glucose levels are associated with
fatigue and reduced performance. Maintaining blood glucose levels is especially important during prolonged exercise, when
competing and for horses that are lacking in energy. EnerGex increases blood glucose levels in a controlled, safe and sustainable way.
EnerGex is given by mouth as a paste and is rapidly absorbed, increases blood glucose levels within 30 minutes and can
maintain an increased level for 2 hours. EnerGex can also be given after training or competition to aid recovery.

EnerGex is ideal for use before, during and following exercise to support energy delivery. It can also be used as an energy booster in lethargic horses and to maintain blood glucose levels in situations where food intake is decreased, such as during travelling or when appetite is reduced. EnerGex is a safer source of carbohydrate (energy) compared with simple sugars which can lead to adverse effects on behaviour and performance. It is low-glycaemic, meaning it leads to a slower rate of glucose entry into the blood, avoiding high peaks and sudden drops in blood glucose levels. This leads to a more balanced
and prolonged energy supply. EnerGex also supports improved fat oxidation during physical activity as high levels of insulin hinders the use of lipids (fat) as an energy source. Energex can increase the utilization of fat during exercise, thus enhancing endurance performance. EnerGex provides 1674kJ per 100g

Exercise performance in horses is almost always limited by muscle glycogen concentration. Glycogen is formed from simple sugars linked together and is the animal equivalent of starch in plants. Recovery in muscle glycogen after exercise is reduced if there is insufficient dietary intake of carbohydrate (sugars) or in circumstances where horses have reduced hindgut function or a reduced appetite. By increasing the energy supply it increases performance and aids the utilization of fat as an energy source which leads to more prolonged and balanced results

EnerGex can be used before exercise in horses lacking in energy and can also be given to horses with reduced appetite, for example during travelling or to old horses or poor doers. It can be given daily in feed for a more consistent supply of energy or as a syringe for use between rounds, events or at the onset of fatigue.

To boost energy add the required amount in feed approximately 2-4 hours before exercise. For Stamina or to aid recovery use daily in feed up to the maximum daily dose. EnerGex can be given before, during or after competition or training. If given before the start of exercise EnerGex should not be given more than 15 minutes prior to the start. Given immediately after exercise, EnerGex promotes recovery.

Powder Analysis: Protein trace; Fibre trace; Oils & Fats trace; Crude Ash <1%.

Powder Composition: Disaccharide.

Powder Additives (per Kg): Mixture of Flavouring compounds 225mg.

Syringe Analysis: Protein <0.1%; Fibre <0.1%; Oils & Fats <0.1%; Ash <0.1%.

Syringe Composition: Disaccharide; water; monopropylene glycol; benzyl alcohol; xanthan gum; potassium sorbate.

Syringe Additives (per Kg): Potassium sorbate 5g; monopropylene glycol 40g.
Regular price
66.000 KWD
Unit price
Tax included.