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Superior Joint Rejuvenation Formula
Regenex Gold is an aid in the treatment of non-infectious, inflammatory joint disease in horses. In
particular: Osteoarthritis - especially with involvement of multiple joints, Osteochondrosis dissecans,
and Traumatic joint and peri-articular inflammation. Regenx Gold actively reverses existing joint
damage and protects against further degradation via 5 direct actions.
• Improves existing cartilage quality
• Build and repair cartilage damage
• Regrowth of cartilage
• Improves joint Fluid Quality
• Synovial fibroblasts are stimulated
• Increases viscosity of joint fluid for optimal
lubrication and shock absorption
• Anti-Inflammatory relief
• Inhibits Destructive Enzymes
• Increases Blood Supply to Joints

Regenx Gold is a combination of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Anti Obesity Drug Peptide (AOD) and Polymer IA. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is made up of a wide range of saccharide biopolymers. It occurs in the body naturally as a
component of mammalian connective tissue and provides elastic and lubricating properties to synovial (joint)
fluid and structural integrity to cartilage. It can be used to treat arthritic horses and is usually injected directly
into the affected joints. It has shown to improve joint function as well as activate the tissue repair processes
in articular cartilage. AOD is a component of growth hormone made up of a peptide chain which causes the
breakdown of fat which dislodges stem cells which then act to repair damaged connective tissue, bone etc.
1. Improves Cartilage Quality - Chondrocytes are stimulated to produce more proteoglycans to build and
repair cartilage matrix
2. Improves joint Fluid Quality - Synovial fibroblasts are stimulated to produce increased amounts of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid resulting in more normally-viscous joint fluid for optimal lubrication and shock
3. Provides Anti-Inflammatory Activity - Inflammation is reduced via a powerful inhibitory effect on all mediators of the arachidonic acid cascade and lysosomal catabolic enzymes. Leukocyte migration into joints is also
4. Inhibits Destructive Enzymes - The release of many degradative enzymes which damage cartilage and
cause peri-articular inflammation are inhibited. In addition, release of an enzyme which inhibits these degradative enzymes is stimulated.
5. Increases Blood Supply to Joints - Strong fibrinolytic action promotes dissolution of thrombi and fibrin
deposits, and mobilisation of lipids and cholesterol in synovial tissues and subchondral blood vessels. This
improves blood exchange to maximise healing ability and promote normal intraosseus pressure.
In joint disease, inflammation leads to the accumulation of inflammatory cells and degradative enzymes in the
joint fluid which break down HA.
The loss of HA results in lowered viscosity of the joint fluid and further influx of inflammatory cells, leading
to further cartilage damage and worsening joint disease. Supplementation of sodium hyaluronate helps to
replace HA lost as a result of joint disease and thereby restores lubrication of the joint, reduces inflammatory
infiltrates and minimises ongoing damage by using Regenex Gold.
Regenex Gold give intra articular (in joints) up to 2ml per joint or as necessary
Available in 10mL vials
Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Anti Obesity Drug Peptide (AOD) and Polymer IA
Store below 25C and protect from direct light
Regular price
0.000 KWD
Unit price
Tax included.