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Reduce Lactic, Muscle Fatigue and Tying Up

Fuel is a supplement to support muscle function and recovery during training and strenuous exercise. It is a blend of essential co-factors to ensure that muscle metabolism is optimized, and that energy supply to muscles is adequate, to reduce the risk of lactic acidosis, muscle fatigue and Tying Up.

Provision of essential co-factors and nutrients at the correct time, and in the correct amounts, reduces the risk of muscle damage and decreased performance. Energy is a measure of a feed’s potential to fuel body functions and exercise. Various pathways and substrates are used by the horse to produce a chemical intermediate that fuels muscle contraction during exercise and depends on the intensity and duration of the exercise.

Reduce Lactic Acid within the Muscles leading to increased endurance and performance.
• Improves available energy supply to muscles.
• Assists muscle repair and recovery after exercise.
• Reduces the risk of tying up or cramping.
• Optimizes energy supply to hard working muscles.
• It is useful to prevent fatigue and stress when traveling horses long distances.
• Provides optimum performance
• Increase endurance and strength
• 200% stronger than any competitor, 20mg/ml ATP
• Pharmacy grade.

ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) is utilized in the Krebs's Cycle – which physiologically is one of the key providers of energy to muscle and other cells, especially during strenuous endurance work. In the process of phosphorilization, a phosphate molecule is given up thereby providing energy in completion of the Krebs's Cycle.

ATP is the essential chemical for muscle contraction, releasing energy when it is broken down to ADP. The aspartates improve endurance by decreasing blood lactate and ammonia, thus delaying fatigue.
Aerobic metabolism (high oxygen/slow twitch) is a slower producer of ATP and is associated with endurance and longer riding time.
The significance of each of these systems to energy production is important, that both systems operate simultaneously but the level of exercise determining the relative contribution of each to overall ATP production. One system doesn't just switch off and the other takes over. During sustained effort a point is reached when oxygen demand outstrips supply and anaerobic metabolism has to contribute more to overall energy production.

It increases the amount of available molecules this delaying fatigue and allowing quicker replenishment of ATP from “spent” ADP. A horse’s performance is dependent on a number of factors including health, nutrition and environmental temperature. Energy is defined as the capacity to do work. The amount of energy available for muscular work is the most important factor in a horse’s performance. Athletic performance requires the efficient utilization of extreme amounts of energy transformed by metabolic pathways from chemical to kinetic energy for muscle contraction. Fuel provides the racing edge.

Available in 100ml bottle

Administer 10ml in one area then another 10ml in a different, a total of 20ml maximum by intramuscular (I.M.) injection only, 4-6 hours prior to an event to delay fatigue.
You can also therapeutically treat overly fatigued horses, post-race, with 1/2 dosage as well as horses exhibiting shock symptoms due to toxemia.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) 20mg/ml

Store below 25°C (Air Conditioning). Protect from light.

سعر عادي
30.000 KWD
سعر الوحدة
شامل الضريبة.