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Yohimbine A
Xylazine sedation and analgesia are attributed to stimulation of central presynaptic α2Aadrenoreceptors, preventing the release of noradrenaline from adrenergic neuron
terminals. Bradycardia and hypotension observed under xylazine have been attributed to
central postsynaptic α2A-adrenoreceptor. Xylazine is one of the most specific α2Aadrenoreceptor antagonist itself well to antagonism. Yohimbine hydrochloride is a
specific α2A-adrenoreceptor antagonist with central action. It is an effective antagonist to
xylazine in horses and camels. In horse, yohimbine hydrochloride is an effective
antagonist to xylazine sedation in red, fallow. 4-Aminopyridine is an antagonist to
nondepolarising neuromuscular blocking drugs and is known to greatly enhance
transmission at the neuromuscular junction and partially effects the number of
anaesthetics and sedatives. The effects of the antagonist are mainly attributed to direct
anatagonism of xylazine by 4-aminipyridine and yohimbine, there effects are only
considered partial.
• Anaesthesia Reversal
• Reversal of sedation
• Boosts Circulation
• Reduce Pain
• Improves Athlete Performance
• Decreases Blood Clotting
• May Help Treat Arthritis
• Promotes Fat Burning and Weight

Yohimbine, an alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonist, is an indole alkaloid found in
numerous botanical sources. It is the predominant alkaloid in extracts from the bark of the
Pausinystalia yohimbe tree, and can also be found in Rauwolfia root. Yohimbine has two
stereoisomers (rauwolscine and corynanthine) that differ little in their physical properties or
in their effects on serotonin and dopamine receptors. The three isomers, however, do differ
significantly in their affinity for the alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenergic receptor subtypes.
Yohimbine was one of the first radioligands developed for selectively labeling alpha-2
adrenergic receptors.
Yohimbine works by blocking receptors in the body called alpha-2 adrenergic
receptors.These receptors play an important role in inhibiting erections. Therefore,
yohimbine is thought to help alleviate erectile dysfunction by blocking the receptors
responsible for preventing erections. Yohimbine may also promote the release of nitric
oxide. This could lead to the dilation of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow to sexual
Yohimbine is one of the most specific α2A-adrenoreceptor antagonist itself well to
antagonism. It is an effective antagonist to xylazine in horses and camels. In horse,
yohimbine hydrochloride is an effective antagonist to xylazine sedation in red, fallow. In
horse, yohimbine hydrochloride is an effective antagonist to xylazine sedation in red, fallow.
In camel, yohimbine has been found to effectively reverse xylazine sedation. Yohimbine
overdose does not cause central excitation but instead produces sedation.
Give by intravenous injection only.
1mL/40kg (0.25 mg/kg) bodyweight; mature animals: 1mL/50kg (0.2mg/kg) bodyweight.
Available in 10ml bottles.
Yohimbine A (Hydrochloride) 10mg/ml, contains Parabens
Keep in cool environment. Store below 30°C (room temperature). Veterinary Use Only.
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0.000 KWD
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