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Poor hoof condition is common in all types of horses and ponies and can lead to practical problems such as

splitting of the hoof and losing shoes as well as foot pain and lameness.

The number one ingredient in any hoof supplement must be Biotin as

by far the most scientific evidence for an effect on hoof growth and

quality exists for this nutrient.

4Feet Plus contains a very high level of bioavailable Biotin (75mg/day

for a 500kg horse). As Biotin is absorbed from the hindgut, 4Feet Plus

also contains a high dose of a protected live yeast to help ensure a

healthy hindgut environment. Organic Zinc is included as horn is mainly

composed of a protein called keratin (a structural protein composed

of fibres that makes up horn, skin, hair, wool, feathers and nails) and

Zinc is vital for protein metabolism. Copper deficiency can have an

adverse effect on horn and hair quality. The correct ratio between

Zinc and Copper is important as these two trace elements interact.

Manganese is integral to formation of the internal structures of the hoof.

Manganese is low in grains and the amount provided by forage can vary

dramatically. In addition, manganese is poorly absorbed so deficiency is

not uncommon.


Methionine is a key amino acid as the production of horn

involves the interaction between Methionine and keratin

to produce a strong structure.

MSM is a bioavailable source of sulphur and sulphur in turn is present

in high amounts in keratin. Changes in hoof growth and or quality can

take 3-6 months to be apparent. After 3-6 months the new hoof growth

below the coronet band should be smooth and the growth lines should

be vertical and horizontal.

Active Ingredients: Per daily dose (3 x 25ml) 49g provides:

Biotin 75mg; Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5 x 1010 CFU; MSM 5g;

Methionine 5g; Zinc (organic) 500mg; Copper (organic) 125mg;

Manganese (organic) 500mg
Regular price
66.000 KWD
Unit price
Tax included.