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Cal-Mag - Instant replacement of calcium and magnesium for endurance horses

Intense and or prolonged exercise and warm weather can lead to low plasma calcium and magnesium concentrations. These in turn can be associated with metabolic disturbance

Cal-Mag syringe provides highly bioavailable sources of calcium and magnesium in a ratio of 3:1. Each syringe delivers 1g of calcium from calcium gluconate, 2g of calcium from calcium carbonate and 1g of magnesium from magnesium chloride in a sticky and palatable base. For comparison, 60ml of 20% calcium borogluconate solution will only deliver 1g of actual calcium

Per syringe (70g): 3g of calcium (1g calcium from calcium gluconate; 2g calcium from calcium carbonate); 1g magnesium from magnesium chloride

Regular price
0.000 KWD
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Tax included.