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Duel Anti- Inflammatory Analgesic Pain Reliever

Inflamole which consist of Anti-Inflammatory 2 peptide, Curcumin and Krill Oil. Curcumin

(from Turmeric) is a potent, broad acting anti-inflammatory that works by mediating the

down-regulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, as well as inhibiting

colonic mucosa cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase (LOX) activities, and by

reducing in the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by stimulated neutrophils.

It moderates inflammation by stopping the formation of prostaglandins, which are pivotal

mediators of inflammation. By doing this, they also reduce the formation of certain paincausing products of inflammation. But anti-inflammatory products do much more than

simply control pain. They also reduce swelling and fever. They have value in treating a

wide range of conditions in horses, from abdominal pain (colic) to joint injury and



• Allows the horse and racing camel

to perform at its peak

• Fast and effective natural pain


• Improving the blood flow to joint

tissues by preventing clots in

small blood vessel. Reduces

inflammation and rebuilds

cartilage to improve joint mobility

and relieve pain.

• Strong natural anti-inflammatory

• It is a natural anti-microbial agent

• Suitable for long term use with low



Inflamole is the world's most powerful natural Anti-Inflammatory 2 peptide (AIF) response to

reduce pain and increase joint mobility. The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin

and it is this specific phytochemical that is known for its effectiveness in treating a variety of

conditions. This product may be used to help treat physical trauma, reduce pain and

swelling, and symptoms of arthritis in horses. It can also be used as an extraction solvent.


Turmeric (curcumin) is probably best known for its use as an anti-inflammatory. It works by

significantly reducing the inflammatory pathways in the body, but unlike bute and most

other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories often given to horses, turmeric works as a COX-2

inhibitor (as

opposed to COX-1) and does not damage the lining of the stomach.

Krill oil reduces the susceptibility of the horse's skin to inflammation by flies and other

insects. It helps your horse's coat stay shiny all year round.

Krill oil was originally researched as a way of helping race horses run faster. Horses that

receive krill oil run faster because their lungs absorb oxygen more efficiently through more

completely open air passage.


Turmeric (curcumin) with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action is able to inhibit the

production of proinflammatory cytokines at the level of chondrocytes as well as to promote

chondrogenesis. All natural drug free, cost effective, and easy to administer.


For best results, use 3 to 4 capsules twice per week.


60 capsules in a bottle.


Euphasia superba (Antarctic Krill), Curcuma longa Rhizome, Anti- Inflammatory 2 peptide

(AIF). Other ingredients - Beeswax, Gelatin, Glycerol, Iron Oxide red, Iron oxide black,

Lecithin, Purified Water, Sorbitol, Soya oil, Titanium dioxide, Vegetable Oil Hydrogenated.


Store below 30°C. Jar sealed for your protection
Regular price
0.000 KWD
Unit price
Tax included.