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The world’s most advanced nebuliser technology
Medivet’s MPTS360 is patented technology and 100% Australian owned which provides a complete state-of-the-art Training System that features breakthrough Dual-Nebulisation Technology through both Ultrasonic Nebulisation and Jet Nebulisation technologies to ensure your horse or camel receives the most effective delivery of any medication and treatment.
What are the Benefits of Oxygen Therapy (Hyperoxic Training)?
• Minimise the release of hydrocortisone (stress hormone) which can inhibit positive immune responses.
• Increase the oxygen processing capacity of cell mitochondria, prolonging aerobic metabolism by the cell for longer, more
intense training sessions at lower risk of tissue damage.
• Preventing the decrease in arterial oxygen concentration during high intensity exercise which causes fatigue and the formation
of lactic acid.
• Increase the rate of replenishment for arterial oxygen concentration during recovery for faster dissipation of lactic acid.
• Enhanced post-race recover time.
What are the Benefits of Altitude Training (Hypoxic Training)?
• Respiratory system adaptation resulting in: improved lung tissue where damaged increased Hypoxic Ventilatory Response
increased minute ventilation, total and vital lung capacity
• Deeper Breathing – Engages greater lung volume for oxygen transfer
• Release of Bicarbonate into blood stream – Prevents Hyperventilation
• Cardiovascular system adaptation resulting in: vasodilation, increased micro-vessel density and reduced peripheral
resistance decreased mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate
• Improves Right Ventricle Hypertrophy – Improved blood transport
between heart and lungs.
• Increase Haemoglobin – Required for blood transport
• Increase 2-3 BPG – Aids in oxygen release to tissues
• Production of Citrate Synthase - Aids in oxygen release to tissues
• Increases Myoglobin – Increased oxygen storage in tissues
• Promotes the release of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
(VEGF) that plays a significant therapeutic role in the treatment
and management of lung damage associated with Exercise
Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage {EIPH)
• Improved blood biochemical indices
• Improved immunological status
• Increased VO2 max
• Reduced muscle damage following exercise
(lower muscle enzymes)
• Smooth muscle stimulation
• Enhanced sympatho-adrenal system

The Multi-Purpose Training System (MPTS360) is the world’s first Ultimate Training and Medical Delivery
System for horses in all disciplines. The MPTS360 is a complete state-of-the-art Training System that features breakthrough Dual-Nebulisation Technology through both Ultrasonic Nebulisation and Jet Nebulisation
technologies. The MPTS360 is also capable of providing Oxygen Therapy as well as High-Altitude Training
Simulation through use of supplemental gasses, Oxygen and Nitrogen respectively. Medivet’s MPTS360 is
patented technology and 100% Australian owned.
The MPTS360 features the most advanced dual-nebulisation technology avail¬able in the world today. A
study with Australia’s leading University confirmed that Medivet’s MPTS360 Nebulisers are 500% more effective than any other equine nebuliser available today in the breaking down of particles into the ideal particle
distribution range of 1 to 5 microns. Whether the Ultrasonic or Jet Nebuliser Technologies is selected for use,
rest assured you are using the world’s most advanced medical delivery technology for your horse(s).
Horses in all disciplines can benefit from using the MPTS360. Whether the intended use is for expedited recovery from injuries or racing, improved performance, regeneration of the lungs and respiratory system or for
the most advanced delivery of drugs, the MPTS360’s features provide the most advanced Technology available for benefit of all horses.
All liquid products that can be administered through a Nebu¬liser can be used in the MPTS360. These include, but are not limited to:
• Bronchodilators such as Atrovent, Ventolin and Clenbuterol
• Corticosteroids such as Pulmocort, Dexamethasone and Flixotide
• Antibiotics such as Cobactan, Excenel and Gentamicin
• Mucolytics such as Parvolex and Ambroxol
• Homeopathic Products such as Arnica Montana (Leopard’s Bane), Arsenicum Album (White Arsenic) and
Rhus Toxicodendron (Poison Ivy)
• Regenerative Products such as Autologous Cond
Regular price
100.000 KWD
Unit price
Tax included.