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Muscle Builder delivers the optimal amounts of the only three key ingredients proven in controlled scientific

studies to promote muscle growth and aid the natural process of muscle repair.

HMB (B-hydroxy B-methylbutyrate) which is formed from the

metabolism of the essential amino acid Leucine and which has

been shown in studies to support the reduction of muscle protein


Leucine is one of nine essential amino acids which must be obtained

from the diet as they cannot be synthesised from other components in

feeds or forage. In human sport, BCAA (leucine, isoleucine and valine)

have been shown to aid in recovery processes from exercise such

as supporting protein synthesis, aiding natural glycogen replacement,

supporting horses natural function to reduce muscle soreness following

exercise and helping maintain mental function in aerobic-based exercise.

These effects are now considered to be due to Leucine.

Muscle Builder also provides the essential amino acid L-Lysine which is

considered to be the first limiting amino acid when it comes to protein

synthesis (i.e. muscle growth) in horses.

Muscle Builder contains the optimal amounts of human grade HMB,

Leucine and Lysine to support development of muscle mass, help

response to training, support recovery from muscle soreness and aid


All the latest research points to these three key components (Leucine,

Lysine and HMB) when it comes to building, supporting and developing

muscle and to aid recovery. The level at which we include these

components ensures your horse get the optimal amount required as

suggested in scientific papers. When you compare many of the other

brands, you will see they only supply as much amino acids as you would

usually get feeding hard feed or hay.

Recent studies in horses have also shown that L-Carnitine and

Astaxanthin can reduce muscle damage in horses in training. Muscle

Builder Plus contains the levels of these ingredients used in these studies

or higher.

Muscle Builder is perfect for horses in training and

competition to help muscle development and help

muscle to repair and recover from hard training

and exercise.

Active Ingredients: Per daily dose

(150ml = 6 x 25ml scoops) 73g provides:

L-Leucine 22.5g; HMB 15g; L-Lysine 10g; L-Carnitine 10g;

Astaxanthin 100mg;

Carbohydrate 14g
Regular price
82.000 KWD
Unit price
Tax included.